More than 95% of people cannot distinguish between adulterated honey and original honey

More than 95% of people cannot distinguish between adulterated honey and original honey


All traditional methods are incorrect and not scientifically proven

The only correct and scientifically proven way is to check the quality from specialized laboratories, so the best way to obtain natural and guaranteed honey is to verify the source of this honey through 6 signs:

  1. It offers you a honey test in a reliable laboratory and does not require you to do the examination yourself
  2. Provides you with a quality check result with a package of honey
  3. On the barcode honey package, you can smear from the Food and Drug Authority’s Tamni application
  4. The honey store is certified on the Marouf platform of the Ministry of Commerce
  5. It offers you a real guarantee that you will get your money back in case you do not like the honey
  6. It has high reviews from customers who have tried honey
  7. You can buy honey through their store by clicking here