Sidr honey (everything you need to know)

Sidr honey

You may not know that, but Sidr honey is one of the best and most expensive types of honey in the world!!

Despite its high price, everyone’s demand for it is amazing.

Perhaps the main reason for this is its high quality and ability to retain its quality for years.

But is this the main reason for its high price? Or the huge benefits? Or is it little production ?

In this topic, we will learn in detail about:

  • The nature of this honey
  • Its distinctive color
  • The price in the market
  • benefits
  • Taking precautions.

Now if you are ready to start, let’s start our topic now and get to know better about this honey.

What is Sidr honey?

Sidr honey is one of the most famous types of honey in the Arab world. It is basically honey resulting from the absorption of the nectar of wild Sidr trees by bees.

These Sidr trees are spread in Yemen as a main habitat, but they are found in some other countries such as Oman, Syria, China and some European countries.

There are more than 40 different species of these trees, but the most famous of them are:

  • Sidr Al-Anab
  • wild sidr
  • wild sidr
  • Sidr lotus

Its most important specifications

Due to those properties that we will mention to you, this particular honey has become one of the most expensive types available.

These specifications, in a nutshell, are as follows:

  • It is characterized by high viscosity and density compared to other types.
  • It has a distinct smell very similar to perfume.
  • It has a sweeter taste than any other kind.
  • It also crystallizes slower than others.
  • This honey is collected only once or twice a year.

Sidr honey color

The color of Sidr honey is one of the most distinctive colors of honey. It has a very distinctive amber red colour, and in some cases its color may even be reduced to golden amber.

Average price in the market

Due to the huge marketing propaganda for Sidr honey, its price has increased dramatically. But in fact, its scarcity or lack of production is the main reason for its high price in the market.

The average price of a 500-gram package is about 150-300 Saudi riyals

The most important benefits of Sidr honey

Some greatly exaggerate the benefits offered by Sidr honey.

And if you find this on a site, this is a strong reason to make you doubt the quality of the honey sold through this seller.

This certainly does not negate the benefits offered by this honey, but exaggeration in anything is not desirable.

So let’s get acquainted with some of the benefits it may contribute to:

1- It has antimicrobial properties

Like almost any type of honey, the anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties are among the characteristics that distinguish this honey.

So you can always use pasteurized Sidr in burns and wounds as a moisturizer and antiseptic.

2- Useful for men

Some simple studies indicated that honey of all kinds and Sidr in particular may help improve some sexual problems in men, such as erection problem.

Therefore, it is sometimes recommended to take it for men. It can also be mixed with cumin or cumin seeds.

3- Useful for women

Another important benefit of Sidr honey is that it helps women and girls who suffer from menstrual pain.

Eating Sidr honey specifically reduces the severity of these pains and the contractions that accompany them.

4- Increases energy and vitality

Honey is an excellent source of energy. Therefore, eating some honey, whether on an empty stomach or at any time of the day , may help you greatly to maintain your activity and vitality.

It is also important to know that it helps improve sexual desire in both men and women.

5- Good for those who suffer from anemia

Honey contains many minerals and nutrients that the body needs.

Although its components are not as many as black forest honey, it may improve the symptoms of anemia in some people.

You can put half a lemon on a spoonful of honey and a glass of water.

6- Other benefits of Sidr honey

There are some other benefits that Sidr honey can contribute to.

But despite that, it is not confirmed, but rather is famous for some experiences or folk medicine, such as:

  • Improving immunity (and therefore used in colds for children)
  • May contribute to the prevention of some types of cancer
  • It may also contribute when taken with Nigella sativa to maintain the health of the kidneys.

Now that we know the benefits, let us now quickly learn about…

Some precautions when using Sidr honey

Although there are many benefits to it, it is also important to keep in mind some of the problems that may occur because of it.

But this only happens in some cases. Especially with his huge consumption.

So you can balance it, So don’t worry.

  • Some studies have indicated that it may lower blood pressure. Therefore, it is not recommended to take it in large quantities by patients with pressure.
  • It may also reduce blood clotting. Therefore, it is important if you suffer from blood thinners not to take it.
  • May raise blood sugar levels, Therefore, it is not recommended to take it except in very moderate quantities by diabetics.
  • Some people may cause allergic reactions. Therefore, when any irritation or redness occurs in your body, it is necessary to stop taking it.
  • May cause drug interactions with some medications. So it is important to consult a doctor.

That was all the information you might need to know about Sidr honey.

Of course, there is a lot of other information, but we preferred to put the most important information for you.

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