What is the difference between Sidr honey and Samar, which is better?

This question is one of the most frequently asked questions about Sidr honey. Therefore, we decided to take a preferential tour to get acquainted with the most important characteristics of each of the two types.
Sidr and Samar honey

This question is one of the most frequently asked questions about Sidr honey.
Therefore, we decided to take a preferential tour to get acquainted with the most important characteristics of each of the two types.
But before we get started, let me assure you of the benefits of both types and their great popularity.
This means that this guide is not intended to show the best and that one of the types is bad, but the aim is to show diversity and different benefits.
Now it is time to learn the difference between Sidr honey and Samar.
Are you ready to get started?

What is the difference between Sidr honey and Samar?

There are differences in many characteristics, and perhaps the difference in properties is the most important, but let’s get to know each part in detail.

honey source

  • Sidr honey: It results from the absorption of nectar by bees from Sidr plants that grow in many countries with high temperatures around the world.
  • Samar honey: This results from bees absorbing the nectar of some trees of different species of acacia.

Benefits and now what about another one of the differences between Sidr and Samar honey?

The locations and spread of honey

It is important to know where each type is located, if we want to buy original products one day and find the information on the packaging is different from what we know.
So let’s get acquainted with the places where the plants are located, and thus we will learn about the locations and spread of honey.

  • Sidr honey: It is very widespread in many countries around the world. According to Wikipedia, there are more than 40 types of this plant. You can find Sidr honey in highlands and places with high temperatures (the Kingdom – Egypt – Iraq – and others).
  • Samar honey: This plant is found in many areas in Saudi Arabia and also in Yemen, but it is found more in arid coastal areas, as well as mountains and others.

The Samar plant is distinguished by its thorn or wire shape, which makes it different from other types.

The most important nutrients that honey contains

The nutrients that most types of honey contain are very similar.
Therefore, you will not find little differences between Sidr and Samar honey in terms of the nutritional value of each.

The difference between Sidr and Samar honey in terms of properties

There are distinct characteristics for each of the two types. These characteristics are the main factor that helps in identifying any of them when buying.

  • Sidr honey: golden in color and when stored it turns into a dark amber color – it is characterized by a very high density and viscosity – its aromatic smell is distinctive and is considered the most important characteristic in identifying the healthy types of fraud.
  • Samar honey: It is black and dark red in color – characterized by high viscosity – has a spicy taste – it also has a strong aromatic smell.

Now let’s find out…

Benefits of Sidr and Samar honey

Perhaps this is the most important thing you need to know when trying to know the difference between Sidr and Samar.
This is so that you can choose the honey that has the most benefits and is most suitable for you.

Sidr honey

We talked at length about the most important benefits offered by this honey to the body, which made it one of the most expensive types of honey in the Saudi market.
But let us briefly mention the most important of them, as:

  • Very useful for those who suffer from anemia because it contains iron.
  • Useful for people who suffer from bedwetting and enuresis.
  • Some studies indicate its benefit for diabetics.
  • It helps to improve the fertility rate and fertility of both sexes.
  • Improves cases of vaginal infections.

Samar honey

Samar honey offers many benefits, as it:

  • Useful for those who suffer from some liver diseases.
  • It is also used in cases of anemia because it contains a good percentage of iron.
  • Useful for some digestive problems such as ulcers.

As you can see, Sidr honey has more benefits compared to Samar honey, and most importantly, many of them are proven by experiments and scientific evidence.
So if you are still wondering which one is better , let us answer your question and tell you that Sidr honey has more advantages, so we advise you to start eating it.
With this, we have finished answering the question of the difference between Sidr honey and Samar, and which is better.

Do you have any questions?

If there is anything you would like to ask about, feel free to contact us.


  1. https://www.eiwahoney.com/blogs/honey-and-health/what-is-sidr-honey-benefits-uses-recipes
  2. https://arabhoneybee.com/%d8%b9%d8%b3%d9%84-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b3%d9%85%d8%b1-sammar-honey/
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4780168/
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4037657/